Rococo Rosewood Cabriole Leg Footstool with early leather and brass wheels, by J & J Meeks, New York
Unusual Rosewood Ripple Molded, MirrorFront Desk with birds eye maple and black leather writing surface, by Francois Signouret’ of New Orleans, 1840
Matching Renaissance Dresser with Mirror (not shown) with same top as Bed F137, by Berkey & Gay, Grand Rapids
Renaissance Burled Walnut Bed, by Berkey & Gay, Grand Rapids, 1875
Rosewood Lady’s and Gentleman’s Chairs
Thomas Brooks, New York Highly Carved Marbletop
Eastlake Burled Walnut Writing Desk
Fine Rosewood Cylinder Desk, pierce carved top with mirror and unusual trestle base
Two Pierce Carved Tallback Rococo Chairs, on Left by Meeks in laminated Rosewood and on Right by C. Boudione, both top New York makers